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An Analysis of Korean EFL Learners’ Experience on English Classes Using AI Chatbot

Vol.6 (No.3) 2021
2021-09-30 11:26


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to conduct English classes using AI chatbots, which are rapidly emerging as keywords for society as a whole, and to qualitatively analyze learners' learning experiences through learners' responses revealed in the process.

Method: For this purpose, an English class using AI chatbot was applied for one semester to 23 first-year students attending A middle school, and 4 of them were selected as research participants. For data collection, in-depth interviews were conducted with the 4 students who experienced English classes using AI chatbots to closely examine their thoughts and attitudes. Qualitative content analysis, a research method that reveals patterns and topics of content through the coding process, was adopted, and the transcribed data was uploaded to Target(, an online free analysis tool, for analysis.

Results: As a result of the study, the students experienced increased English proficiency including speaking and listening skills, changed their motivation and attitude toward learning English, increased interest in learning English, decreased anxiety in learning foreign languages, difficulties with chatbot utterance speed and difficulty, and chatbot response limitations.

Conclusion: Through the results of this study, it was possible to an in-depth examination of the changed learning experiences of students and the expansion of learning methods suitable for the era of the 4th industrial revolution in the future. Therefore, in the EFL environment such as Korea, AI chatbots are highly likely to be used as an effective tool in terms of English learning and learners' affective domain, which is expected to maximize the effectiveness of English education.

Keyword:Fourth Industrial Revolution, Artificial Intelligence(AI), AI Chatbot, English Education, Korean EFL Learners
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to propose that the virtue education method can be utilized in the process of learning to have ethics as an Artificial Moral Agent(AMA). Recent various discussions about AI presuppose the coexistence of humans and AI. Meanwhile, in order for coexistence to be achieved, it is fundamentally necessary for humans as individual beings to form relationships with others in an appropriate way. This study focused on the use of the virtue education method among the methods for AI to learn the order of relationships as an AMA that becomes the counterpart of human ethical behavior in the interaction between humans and AI. Method: This study presented basic data using the method of literature research. And based on this, a virtue education method that can be applied to AMA was developed and presented using the method of development research. With this, This research tried to argue about the necessity and validity of the virtue education method. Results: This study examines that the current discussion on ethical learning in AMA is mainly based on a Top-down approach based on traditional ethical theory. And as an alternative to this, it is suggested that machine learning and deep learning methods can be used as a method for AMA to learn ethics. Based on this, the characteristics and validity of virtue ethics applicable to AMA were presented. And as a method to learn it, a teaching and learning method applicable to the learning of AMA was proposed. Conclusion: Currently, the approach to preparing ethics for AMA tends to mainly choose a Top-down approach in which a specific ethical theory is selected and the design of a computational algorithm and system that can implement the theory is derived. However, just as children develop moral reasoning through appropriate developmental stages, AMA also needs to actively introduce a bottom-up approach to forming ethical judgment principles. As a specific method, we propose to use the method of grafting the virtue education method of analyzing the characteristics of a virtuous person and repeating it by imitating it to the deep learning method of AI.
    Keyword:Artificial Moral Agents(AMA), AI, Ethics, Deep Learning, Teaching and Learning Method
  • Purpose: This study aims to analyze the relationship between the characteristics of YouTube beauty content and the intention to purchase cosmetics for men and women from 20 to 40 years old. In particular, it aims to present how to utilize YouTube beauty content by gender by analyzing the mediating effect of beauty content involvement centered on male-female comparisons and studying how to use big data in popular videos. Method: This study was conducted in 17 cities and provinces nationwide with 201 men and 201 women from 20 to 40 years old using SPSS 25.0 as an empirical analysis method for 402 copies of the online questionnaire. In order to verify the mediating effect, it was re-verified through regression analysis and Sobel-test according to the mediated effect verification procedure proposed by Baron & Kenny(1986). Results: In Question 1, the characteristics of YouTube beauty contents show a significant positive(+) effect on the purchase intention of cosmetics; in Question 2, the characteristics of YouTube beauty content were found to have a significant positive influence on beauty content; while in Question 3, the path that influenced the purchase intention of cosmetics by mediating the degree of involvement in beauty contents was revealed in part; and finally, in Question 4, gender differences were revealed. Conclusion: It was found that the characteristics of YouTube beauty content and the degree of involvement have a positive effect on the consumer's intention to purchase cosmetics, and there are gender differences. In particular, entertainment and information had the greatest influence on YouTube beauty content characteristics and beauty content involvement. Therefore, to use YouTube as a marketing method in the future, it will be necessary to target male and female YouTube beauty content viewers based on big data and create beauty content that provides both interest and information at the same time.
    Keyword:YouTube Content, Intention to Purchase Cosmetics, Beauty Content Involvement, Entertainment, Big Data
  • Purpose: In recent years, AI technology has emerged as a core technology for the fourth industrial revolution. Along with the existing SW education, it is time to prepare for AI education, since the interest in AI education is also growing. The fact that learning about the theory and principles of AI is important is also stressed in the college education. However, non-major students tend to perceive AI technology to be difficult, and hence, a more efficient AI education is required. The purpose of this research is to guide the learners' direction for AI education, helping them to break away from their fears of AI through the AI education appropriate for the learners’ level. Method: In this study, to analyze the effect of the developed educational program on the learners’ AI literacy, the dependent variables changed before and after the application of the program were analyzed, and the single group’s ex ante and ex post testings were applied for the designing method for inferring the causal relationship. Results: The AI literacy of undergraduate students was analyzed for the educational program via the ex ante and ex posts testings of a single group by operating this program. As a result of the analysis, significant results were obtained where all three areas of the AI literacy were improved through the educational program Conclusion: This study is meaningful in that the AI educational program was proposed for the liberal arts class at college for the non-majors, and that the AI educational program which is generally applicable for the liberal arts class was developed and directly applied to validate its effectiveness. Discussions are expected to continue to develop the various details of the AI basic education to ensure that the non-majors can enter the AI education without fearing the AI based on the results of this study.
    Keyword:Artificial Intelligence, AI Education, Education Model, AI Literacy, Artificial Intelligence Ethics
  • Purpose: This article explores the most likely impacts of Artificial Intelligence(AI) on the character of future warfare, focuses on how AI will change just about the way we fight in the battlefield, analyzes the current status and problems of AI applications in the ROK military, and then suggests several policy alternatives with regard to future development of the ROK military’s war-fighting capabilities with AI and autonomous systems (i.e., robots). Method: This article uses a literature review method that collects and analyzes data through existing research results or literatures. In order to understand the research trends of AI-driven warfare, professional military papers related to future operational concepts and doctrines are analyzed. In addition, data published by the Army, Navy, and Air Force Headquarters is referenced for the current state and problems of AI application of the ROK military. In particular, the latest data is mainly reflected in order not to miss important issues related to the rapidly changing military application of AI. Results: AI-driven future warfare will have three broad trends, that is, the acceleration of multi-domain battle, the generalization of cognitive-centered operations, and the Acceleration of Human-machine Fusion and increased ambiguity of blurring distinction between combatants and non-combatants. AI applications in the ROK military, however, is somewhat behind advanced countries, and currently stays at the conceptual level and exists mostly on paper. It still does not act to convert AI technology for military use, and not adapt it for operational concepts and acquisition process of weapons systems. For this reason, the ROK military needs to actively pursue various AI technology development strategies that can be used in conducting complex war-fighting within the full spectrum of conflicts. Conclusion: The ROK military needs to discard ineffective legacy weapons systems and prioritize investment in advanced technologies including AI, and streamline its cumbersome weapons acquisition and sustainment process and procedure as a means to win the AI race with other countries. With AI, the ROK military will be able to create more agile, flexible and lethal war-fighting capabilities in strategic, operational, and tactical dimensions.
    Keyword:Artificial Intelligence(AI), Weapons Systems, Future Warfare, Operations, ROK Military
  • Purpose: South Korea's foreign policy executives need to make security policy choices about China's AI as a security threat with normative nature. The purpose of this article is to identify the ideas of the South Korean security policy executives and to analyze the role of the policy elites’ perception in foreign policymaking about China's artificial intelligence as a newly emerging security challenge. Together with this, it is approached to evaluate the strategic perception of Moon Jae-in's foreign policy executive in connection with China’s artificial intelligence. Method: The article examines the document and speech of the foreign policymakers of Korea and China as well as the media coverage of the two countries by utilizing Kitchen’s neoclassical realism with a focus on the elites’ perception as an intervening variable, international systemic pressure as an independent variable, and foreign policy outcome as a dependent variable. Chapter 2 reviews the strategic culture of a middle power. Chapter 3 finds China’s AI strategy as a systemic threat. Chapter 4 explores the former Korean governments’ strategic ideas for China. Chapter 5 finds Moon Jae-in government’s idea of the China AI strategy. Results: The article reveals the nature of China’s AI, the role of Korea’s strategic culture, and the capacity of policy elites to emerging security. First, China's AI has the nature of systemic pressure. Second, the foreign policy executives of Korea differently respond to China’s systemic pressure. Third, the Moon Jae-in government’s policy elites have autonomous power against the international systemic pressure and consider the economic interest as important. Conclusion: This article concluded that the foreign policy elites’ perception intervenes between the international systemic pressure and state foreign policy-making. The elites induce the discussion of AI from the view of middle power multilateralism rather than that of AI from the view of ethical and geopolitical context. The article also says that Korea's foreign policy elites can operationalize the ideas in considering the balance of interest with China.
    Keyword:AI Strategy, Emerging Security Challenge, Systemic Pressure, Strategic Culture, Middle Power
  • Purpose: This study explores the ethical issues that arise in building a community where humans can use smart technology to lead happier lives, a smart society. Method: Technology in a smart society is not unrelated to the human variable, no matter how advanced its level is. As humans pursue value, smart societies also need to be explored from an ethical perspective. This study provides the need for an ethical approach that emphasizes humanity in the process of building and maintaining a smart society. The research was conducted by contents based approach. Results: This research showed that the smart society was clarified by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and got two characteristics as follows: First, AI, which is the core of smart society in particular, fosters human nature and potentialility through automatic self-realization, human representation, personal and social skills, and social cohesion. Second, smart AI ethical standards include beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, and explicability. Conclusion: This paper presented a normative and substantial directions to what preparations should be made for human-centered ethical coexistence in a future-oriented smart society. The ethical virtue or a way of living could be summarized as followed: love for humans, retrospective understanding, variable dialogue, selfsustainability, tarnsparency, explainability.
    Keyword:Smart Society, Ethical Approach, Smart Internet, Industrial Revolution, Smart Technology, Artificial Intelligence
  • Purpose: Current social and technical issues related AI Ethics take many different forms. Therefore, efforts to make ethical guidelines to cope with these issues are actively being developed. However, most kinds of ethical guidelines present general ethical principles and take a deductive method of solving individual problems in accordance. The purpose of this study is to propose creating ethical guidelines through an inductive method of deriving ethical principles based on ethical judgements on each individual AI-related cases. Method: At first, most representative cases of AI ethics-related guidelines would be investigated in domestic and international level, with collecting documents and literature review. After that, examine the commonalities and differences between cases as these basic data through comparative research methods. Accordingly, it would be revealed that each case is constituted by a deductive method. Finally, as an alternative to these methods, presenting the merits of establishing ethical principles related to AI through inductive cases and specific examples. Results: Most of the representative AI Code of Ethics that currently exist have the form of suggesting principles and then solving ethical problems by applying the principles to the actual events accordingly. This type of approach corresponds to the method of ethics which based on moral principles. However, complex and unpredictable problems are likely to arise when it comes to AI ethics. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to extract the principles of the AI Code of Ethics by establishing and presenting ethical principles through researching and analyzing various individual events related to AI Ethics using deep learning and Big Data Based AI. Conclusion: The following effects can be achieved by using deep learning techniques and Big Data Based AI that contains Ethical Issues together with sound and desirable Moral Judgement on each case, to derive the principles of the AI code of ethics. First, it is possible to extract and secure Big Data as basic resource of presenting Ethical Directions on various ethical problems arising in connection with the development of AI technology. Second, since the Ethical Principles as AI Code of Ethics are established based on empirical data, the validity of the principles can be secured. On the other hand, the AI Code of Ethics derived through deep learning based on such Big Data is likely to result in multiple tyranny or errors of majority due to certain limitations. So evaluation, verification and correction by Human Ethics Experts are essential to prevent these kinds of fault.
    Keyword:AI Ethics, AI Code of Ethics, Deep Learning, Big Data, Human Ethics Experts
  • Purpose: This study intends to examine the efficiency and limitations of AI-based cyber defense systems by applying game theory and to explore the direction of the development of an AI-based national cyber defense system. In cybersecurity attackers and defenders can choose strategies and make a decision based on their resources, to attain the rewards, while anticipating the actions from opposing players. Method: For better analysis, this article use Game theory an analytical framework to identify the position between the attacker and defender in the Cyber domain. Game theory has been used to observe competition among multiple competitors(players) fighting under preset rules. Game theory is appropriate for analyzing cyber interaction between defenders, attackers, and users and what happens as a result. Results: To respond to infringement incidents, first, for artificial intelligence to more efficiently detect and respond quickly to security threats, it is necessary to analyze vast amounts of security data with human experience and knowledge and enter accurate data for artificial intelligence to learn. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the self-learning ability of security solutions to apply signature analysis, behavior analysis technology, and machine learning technology to enable automated detection and response to AI-based cyber attacks. Conclusion: Although there are many limitations and risks of artificial intelligence, it is important to concern about how to use artificial intelligence usefully for the welfare and prosperity of mankind. First, cybersecurity is directly related to national security, and the government has to enhance an AI-based cybersecurity system. Second, to cope with increasingly diverse and evolving external cyber-attacks. Third, it is necessary to develop R & D investment and professional human resources to build an AI-based cybersecurity system. Fourth, it is required to overhaul related legal systems to strengthen AI-based cybersecurity. Although there are many limitations and risks of artificial intelligence, it is important to concern about how to use artificial intelligence usefully for the welfare and prosperity of mankind.
    Keyword:AI, Cyber Security, Benefits, Limitations, National Security
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate preliminary elementary school teachers’ perceptions and attitudes about the upcoming future English education, namely the fourth industrial revolution era. Method: For the research, 91 preliminary elementary school teachers were surveyed. As for a questionnaire form, this study defines preliminary elementary school teachers’ attitudes in the following categories; 1)interests in English education using AI technology, 2)innovation resistance and anxiety about English education using AI technology. Results: The results of the survey data were as follows. First of all, the preliminary elementary school teachers’ interest in the impact of AI technology on English education was high, but their interest remain at the ‘personal’(1-2 stages) level. Second, the level of the preliminary elementary school teachers’ innovation resistance was not high, but the anxiety level was above average. They showed willingness to take AI technologies as instructional tools and positive attitudes toward AI technology-embedded future classroom. On the one hand, they were anxious about a lack of knowledge about new teaching method and skills related with utilizing AI technology into their classroom. Conclusion: The curriculum should be the tailored curriculum to meet their level and needs, which was required in the fourth industrial revolution through the use of AI technologies. It is to show the possibility of using AI technology to learn English so that we can maintain the current positive perception of the English education using AI that the preliminary school teacher showed. Also, in order to be open to any paradigm changes related to English education in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, concerns and proposals for a new method of English education should be actively discussed. Finally, the university of education, which is a teacher training institution, need to introduce to preliminary elementary school teachers what AI technologies can be combined with English education and what are their characteristics, and to guide how AI technology is being applied to English education.
    Keyword:Preliminary Elementary School Teacher, Artificial Intelligence(AI), Technology, Future English Education, Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Purpose: The “Narrow” AI technologies and its application to different sectors in the U.S. have brought tremendous advantages to the country and its citizens. This paper attempts to examine the opportunities and risks of AI’s potential application to the military health care sector. Yet, some human rights concerns remain. This paper further argues that the new Biden administration should pursue policies that reinforce a human-centric AI to be more supportive of human rights. Method: This paper employs the politics of responsibility theory to examine the present and future of AI responsible governance in the Biden era. Based on resources from various AI related research by the U.S. government, scholars, and experts, this paper further attempts to examine the opportunities and challenges in the ethical area that will likely be generated by applying AI to the American system of military health care. Results: This paper finds that the application of AI in military health care would likely provide immense opportunities, especially in times of COVID-19. However, there are risks posed by the application of AI in various sectors as well as in military health care. Meanwhile, the new Biden administration’s future policymaking stage should emphasize ways in which AI may remain human-centric to be more supportive of human rights. Conclusion: In incorporating AI into virtually every economic sector and into daily life, the U.S. government, together with all sectors of society, should seek ways to maximize opportunities and minimize the risk of overdependence or unregulated exposure to an intelligence far beyond the human level. The new Biden administration should be at the forefront in promoting responsible AI policymaking to be more supportive of human rights.
    Keyword:The Politics of Responsibilities, The Biden Administration, The U.S. Department of Defense(DOD), Human Rights Challenges, Potential AI Applications to Military Health Care