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A Disaster Situation Management Study using MORT-TAC

Vol.7 (No.1) 2022
2022-03-30 16:02


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present a plan to manage disaster situations using MORT-TAC, a factor to consider the situation evaluation of disaster sites. Despite the importance of disaster response due to the sharing of initial disaster information in disaster response, small disasters often develop into national disasters due to the lack of important information in the event of a disaster.

Method: In order to conduct research using MORT-TAC, a factor in evaluating disaster situations, various organizations can use MORT-TAC to distribute initial disaster information through literature research and telephone interviews due to COVID-19. In addition, a study was conducted to incorporate the researcher's military expertise for 30 years of military service into the disaster field.

Results: As a result of the district, MORT-TAC was suggested to distribute initial information on disaster sites between city and county emergency control teams, integrated support headquarters, regional and central emergency control teams, and education and training programs to improve disaster-related officials' expertise.

Conclusion: Disaster response and disaster situation management must be performed by professional officials. Disaster officials of all disaster response emergency organizations must have the expertise to manage disaster situations using MORT-TAC, and to this end, education and training programs must be reflected in the annual education plan. In addition, in-depth research on MORT-TAC should be continuously studied in the future.

Keyword:Initial Disaster Information, Disaster Situation Management, MORT-TAC, Information Distribution, Professional Education
  • Purpose: The complexity and safety of power facilities have increased very rapidly, yet efforts are insignificant in ensuring safety according to risks. Hence, the purpose of is, in order to help prevent safety accidents in advance, risk factors are listed through the risk analysis of power facilities, and to develop an augmented reality safety manual according to the improvement of risk scales to ensure the safety by conducting pre-simulation in the field and taking prompt response at the accident site. Method: By enumerating the risk factors simultaneously with the causal analysis for the failure together with the impact of the failure mode of the components forming the power generation facility system for which the design failure mode effect analysis(DFMEA) technique is applied, and by developing the augmented reality (AR) based software’s for maintenance and repairs based on the details of improvement as per the level of risk (RPN), the methodology for maintenance and repairs is presented due to the expansion of the infectious diseases in the era of contactless. Results: The development of augmented reality system(software) for maintenance implements the 2D and 3D facility exploded view and work manual, etc., which enable the actual work processes to be performed across various field environments according to emergency situations of power facilities, and the big data based field data, and through acquisition, it would be possible to establish a precision standard maintenance platform. Further-more, it is expected to have the effect of reducing the costs for accident prevention and maintenance work, and increasing the quality and quantity. Conclusion: Through this study, the safety of electric power facilities and a preventive method in emergency situations are presented. The software development through augmented reality(AR) through the Design Failure Mode Effect Analysis(DFMEA) can help prevent accidents and implement condition based maintenance plans in an integrated system, and hence, a high efficiency can be expected. It is considered that accuracy, reliability, and safety improvement are required in future papers through the addition of risk points and continuous development of diagnostic algorithm libraries.
    Keyword:Augmented Reality(AR), DFMEA, Power Equipment, Maintenance and Repairs, Software
  • Purpose: In the name of fear and prevention of corona infection, human society is branded as an infected individual or group. In serious infectious disease situations, the scapegoat of transferring tension and fear to some members of the community can cause dissociation and cultural trauma. The scapegoat violence, which is blamed for the expectation of collective psychological purification, lives in an era of confusion that requires a healthy alternative. Therefore, in this situation, this study aims to examine the implications of human and psychological trauma to us from a historical point of view. Method: Modern times, violence that eludes and condemns some members because of the expectation of collective psychological cleanup is living in an era of confusion that requires healthy alternatives. This study is to examine previous studies and data related to trauma and to suggest the implications of trauma phenomenon in the pandemic era. Results: We are part of a post-trauma society, as is society, where individuals and societies who have experienced violence and trauma are overwhelmed by fear. It is undoubtedly true that the Pandemic era increases the frequency and intensity of depression and anxiety in humans, as it causes “group trauma” in many people. Personal trauma is an emotional wound that begins with a shocking event that occurred to one person or a small number of people. On the other hand, collective trauma is a trauma that occurs because of the shock of society as a whole, not an individual or a small number. Trauma is widely understood as a variety of psychological and spiritual wounds in large and small forms experienced in everyday life. If this concept of broadness is premised, trauma can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere, in various contexts of life. After the fall of mankind, constant war, natural disasters and talent, terrorism, and social oppression have left untouchable scars on many people. The core of trauma relief(therapy) is to restore the relationship through the recovery of broken communication, and it is necessary to provide in-depth support with interest at the national level. In addition, it is necessary to approach trauma from a phenomenological point of view and to make it possible to understand the victim more generally considering the sociocultural context intertwined with the complex life and experience of the victim experiencing trauma as a de-evidence paradigm. Conclusion: This study suggests implications for the meaning of social human and psychological trauma to us in the current Pandemic situation and also it is expected to be a basic foundation for in-depth papers that can lead to follow-up studies.
    Keyword:Trauma, Pandemic, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Trauma Therapy, Phenomenological Approach
  • Purpose: Korea has a climate with significant seasonal variation in precipitation. There were often difficulties in the agricultural season due to the lack of rainfall. Since ancient times, many reservoirs have been built for irrigation facilities. This study aims to suggest utilization plans by analyzing the size, population of the surrounding area, the surrounding ecological grade, and accessibility for the functionally lost reservoirs. Method: Researchers analyzed 155 reservoirs with loss of function and low utilization among reservoirs in Daegu and Gyeongbuk. The reservoir size was classified based on the total storage amount of 50,000m3, and the surrounding area's population was based on 10,000 people. The ecological grade around reservoirs was based on the ecological and natural map of the Ministry of Environment, and the accessibility was classified based on road networks connected around reservoirs. Results: As a result of analyzing the functionally lost reservoirs by size, 10 places belonged to the 'upper' group, and 145 places belonged to the 'lower' group. By surrounding area's population, 28 places belonged to the 'up-per' group, and 127 places belonged to the 'lower' group. By surrounding ecological grade, 93 places belonged to the 'upper' group, and 62 places belonged to the 'lower' group. By accessibility, 59 places belonged to the 'upper' group, and 96 places belonged to the 'lower' group. Conclusion: The 8 reservoirs can be used as water-friendly reservoirs with easy access. The 3 reservoirs can be used as leisure types with sufficient size. It would be able to use 11 ecological experience type sites and 79 ecological preservation type sites, considering nearby conditions. The 48 reservoirs can be used to supply electricity to nearby households. The 6 reservoirs can be used as an emergency type for drought. In this study, the utilization types of reservoirs were classified according to various conditions. However, as these are only a rough guide for the direction of reservoir use, further research is needed to refine the utilization plans or find alternatives according to the characteristics of each reservoir.
    Keyword:Reservoir, Loss of Function, Water-Friendly Type, Ecological Experience Type, Ecological Preservation Type
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to validate the difference in the effectiveness of the police on job involvement based on their work experiences in order to validate the effectiveness of the security police who directly make contacts with the North Korean defectors as a solution to various problems and conflicts. Method: In this study, among police officers in the security department as of 2020 who had experience in work related North Korean defectors, 100 trainees in the Police Human Resources Development Institute were surveyed via self-administration method. Among the collected survey questionnaires, 91 were selected as valid samples, excluding those whose answers were incomplete or missing. Results: As a result of the study, there was no statistically significant difference demonstrated in terms of the difference in job involvement according to the total length of police service. Furthermore, as a result of the analysis performed on the difference in terms of the police’s job involvement according to security and service period, there was no statistically significant difference in total security, service period, and job involvement. Conclusion: It turned out that there was no statistical difference in terms of the perception of job involvement between the total police’s service period, security and service period, which. means that serving for a long time in the police or security department does not affect the responsibility, effort, and voluntary participation in the job. That is, since there is no difference in the perception of job involvement based on experiences, it is apparent that the factors affecting job involvement by various factors including working environment, performance measurement, and fatigue ought to be developed. Furthermore, this study looks forward to the lives of the North Koreans whose freedom and human rights are guaranteed by the collapse of the North Korean dictatorship.
    Keyword:Human Rights, North Korean Defectors, South Korean Security Police, Period of Service, Job Involvement
  • Purpose: According to the needs of the times, the role and ability of the facilitator to help learners demonstrate their abilities as coaches in the education field is being emphasized. Coaching is helping coach and coachee through interaction with each other and helping growth. Coaching is conducted by applying various skills such as motivation for learning, effective questions, and feedback. Therefore, in order for coaching to be well done, it is necessary to approach according to the opponent and special coaching skills is needed. We try to find the answer in the conversation between Confucius and his disciples, who pursued change and growth. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out whether the Confucius coaching dialogue method and the coaching 5 STEPS model in 『The Analects』 can be applied as a 'coaching learning method' and to find a value-oriented education method. Method: Confucius was not a knowledge transfer education method but a comprehensive humanistic wisdom, and was the leader in receiving and cultivating humanistic wisdom. It is worth discussing what Confucius' story in Analects is giving meaning to the current era in relation to the theme of value-oriented coaching learning method, and the researcher reconstructed and conducted the 5-step model of CMOE coaching among various coaching learning methods. The contents and methods of this study were analyzed by the four elements of the coaching 5 STEPS model based on the conversation meth-od in the argument: question, listening, recognition, and feedback. And the coaching 5 STEPS model proceeded with step-by-step support, topic confirmation, accident expansion, solutions, and action check. Results: Confucius in 『The Analects』 gives different answers to the same question by grasping the dispositions, attitudes, and academic maturity of his disciples through questions and answers through active listening. We provide feedback with recognition and praise through education tailored to the level of our students. And we enjoy learning together, and we lead our disciples to change and grow by reflecting through learning. As such, Confucius' dialogue method combines the coaching five-step model to show the applicability of today's coaching learning methods. In other words, in an era of limitless competition and uncertainty, it answers the questions of how to study and how to teach, and guides the way to find a value-oriented educational method that makes learning enjoyable. Conclusion: Through this thesis, Confucius' dialogue method can be applied to coaching education, and it suggests a way to find a value-oriented education method by answering the learning method suitable for the times. In addition, Analects are reinterpreted beyond the scope of classical texts, indicating that education suitable for the modern paradigm is possible.
    Keyword:Conversation Method of Confucius, Confucius in Analects, Coaching, Coaching Learning, 5-Step Model
  • Purpose: In order to address the problem of human alienation due to anxiety, stress, and economic polarization in our society, meditation programs have emerged as an important means in the fields of psychology and psychiatry, and hence, this study was conducted to verify the effect of grateful meditation program on the psychological variables. Method: This study is a literary analysis study, and by examining 8 papers on grateful meditation programs conducted in Korea, the contents of gratitude and meditation methods used for these studies were analyzed, and the effects of these programs on the dependent variables. Results: First, as for the contents of gratitude used for these programs, the greatest number of gratitude was for one’s own body (8th paper), one's own existence (7), family (6), neighbors (5), nature (5), friends (4), and objects (2) were analyzed as the most, respectively Second, as for the meditation method adopted for the grateful meditation program, it was analyzed that breathing meditation was used for the preparation phase, visualization meditation or mantra meditation was primarily used for the development phase, and motion meditation was partially used for the finishing phase. Third, the grateful meditation program was analyzed to be effective across all dependent variables (satisfaction of life, positive and negative emotions, self-esteem, anger, disposition of gratitude, and interpersonal relationships) set for 8 studies. Conclusion: First, the future grateful meditation program ought to change the contents of the gratitude according to age. Second, the method of meditation ought to also change according to age. Third, the contents of gratitude or the method of meditation ought to be changed according to the dependent variable to be improved through the grateful meditation program. Fourth, if the ‘time of consideration for myself’ is preceded by the grateful meditation preparatory program for palpating my cognition, emotions, and actions, it would be possible to proceed more effectively and in depth during the development phase, grateful meditation. Hence, the grateful meditation program is a powerful program in promoting the cognitive, emotional, and the behavioral changes for the participants, and hence, it ought to be more systematic and widely used moving forward.
    Keyword:COVID-19, Anxiety, Stress, Grateful Meditation Program, Effect
  • Purpose: This study was attempted to collect opinions for operating dementia project of Dementia care center and to understand what is needed as a strategy for efficient dementia project by analyzing working experience of practitioners at the Dementia Care Center. Method: Focus group interviews with practitioner working at 47 Dementia Care Centers in Gyeonggi-do and contents analyzing method were conducted. Results: The contents of interviews were analyzed by dividing into two themes: the difficulty in conducting dementia project and the development plan for revitalizing the dementia project. Three categories of difficulties in carrying out the dementia projects were derived: negative perception of dementia, insufficient manpower system, and non-establishment of service system, and two categories of development plan were derived as the internal stability of the manpower system and the establishment of regional dementia management hub. Conclusion: Despite the increased social interest in dementia due to the implementation of the dementia national responsibility program, it was found that it was still difficult to carry out the project due to the negative perception of dementia. For the efficient operation of the dementia care center and vitalization of the project, the stabilization of the employment of working-level workers should be accompanied first, and a more systematic operation plan is needed by clearly establishing the role of each job group and confirming that the job is being performed according to the characteristics of the job.
    Keyword:Dementia, Management of Dementia, Dementia Care Center, Focus Group Interview, Qualitative Research
  • Purpose: In the present time, the interest in looks has rapidly increased regardless of gender and age, and we are living through the age of priority over looks. An individual's looks is not merely a simple caring, but has also become a social competitiveness, which increases the interest in looks and enhances the body image and self-esteem. The purpose of this study is to examine and understand the effect of the body image and the interest in looks perceived by female college students on the empathy of overcoming disaster targeting the female college students. Method: As for the research method, a questionnaire was used targeting female college students in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, and other areas. The questionnaire was consisted of body image, interest in looks, and interpersonal variables, while the frequency analysis was performed to examine the general characteristics of the research subjects, and the multiple regression analysis was performed to examine the interpersonal relationship between the body image and the interest in looks. Results: First, in terms of the effect of the female college student's body image on the empathy of overcoming disaster, it turned out that among the body images, the interest in looks turned out to have an effect on cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, and attitude empathy, and among the body images, the body satisfaction turned out to have effect on the emotional empathy and attitude empathy. Second, in terms of the effect of the female college student's body image on the empathy of overcoming disaster, aesthetic orientation turned to have effect on the cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, and the attitude empathy among the interest in looks, and self-expression among the interest in looks turned out to affect the emotional empathy only. Conclusion: Given the current ‘COVID-19’ crisis, many problems have ravaged the world, and as disasters prolong, the interest in overcoming disasters has also grown. At the same time, the interest in looks is rapidly increasing due to the priority over looks. Hence, this study has examined the effect of body image and interest in looks perceived by the female college students on the empathy of overcoming disaster, and recognizes the importance of empathy for the interest in looks, and hence, more research would be required.
    Keyword:Female College Student, Body Image, Interest in Looks, Overcoming Disaster, Empathy
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to validate the actor effect and partner effect of the relationship between coparenting, marital satisfaction, and happiness of parents with children of early childhood, and also provide data for parents’ education in the field of early childhood education as well as the enhancement of the parents’ marital satisfaction and happiness. Method: 1305 people from the 7th year (2014) data of the Korean Children’s Panel were selected as the subjects of the analysis, and the actor-partner interdependence model (APIM) was applied by using the SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 for the analysis. Results: First, the parents’ coparenting turned out to have a positive effect on happiness, and in terms of the effect of coparenting on happiness, both father’s and mother’s actor effect and partner effect turned out to be significant. Second, the parents’ coparenting turned out to have a positive effect on marital satisfaction, and in terms of the effect of coparenting on marital satisfaction, both the father’s and mother's actor effect and the counterpart effect turned out to be significant. Conclusion: Implications were provided through the characteristics of the parents' intra-individual and marital dimensions on coparenting, marital satisfaction, and happiness of the parents with the children of early childhood, and the im-portance of coparenting within the family was discussed.
    Keyword:Actor-Partner Effect, Coparenting, Marital Satisfaction, Happiness, Marital Relationship
  • Purpose: Northern bamboo is an evergreen broad-leaved shrub. It reaches 1~2m in height and 3~6mm in diameter, spread throughout Korea. Northern bamboo leaves, also called bamboo leaves, have been used to treat children's convulsion, vomiting blood, and severe thirst in fever. Women with repressed anger illnesses boiled bamboo leaves covered with frost and drank the water. Therefore, this study investigated the folk remedies related to Northern bamboo. The researchers tried to analyze the studied data and examine the possibility of using northern bamboo as a multi-purpose natural health food. Method: This study investigated and analyzed the folk remedies related to northern bamboo at herbal medicine stores, herbal medicine pharmacies, and medicinal herb decocting shops in Daegu metropolitan city and Yeongcheon, Gyeongsangbuk-do. Researchers also searched and collected valuable materials in the Naver blog. This paper conducted a Frequency analysis on the collected data with several categories, such as the collecting season of bamboo, the usable parts of it, the processing ways of it, the ingestion types of it, and the frequency of its utilization by disease. Results: In analyzing the use of northern bamboo to folk remedies, cardiovascular disease was the most frequently used for each related disease. The frequency of use for cancer-related diseases, diabetes-related diseases was also high percentage. Bamboos were collected regardless of the season, but most were collected during the spring when new shoots were born. All bamboo parts were usable, but leaves were used the most. Bamboos were used in various processing ways, but 'drying’ regardless of sunlight and shade was the most common method. As for the ingestion types, tea was the most common style. Conclusion: Northern bamboo has been used for various diseases in folk remedies, and it is easy to obtain because it grows anywhere in the country. Eggplant seeds, jujube, licorice, and others are added when processing or ingestion, but in many cases, it is consumed alone without adding anything else. As a result of investigating and analyzing the folk remedies related to northern bamboo, the researchers reaffirmed the value of bamboo through this study. This paper evaluated that northern bamboo has the excellent potential to be used as a multi-purpose natural health food.
    Keyword:Northern Bamboo, Folk Remedies, Processing Ways, Usable Parts, Collection Season