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The Effect of Ego Orientation on MILITARY Cadets’ Intention for Sport Activity and Performance

Vol.2 (No.2) 2017
2017-12-30 12:56


The purpose of this study to identify the effect of achievement orientation on the military cadets' intention for adherence to sport activities(IASA) and performance in the sport activities(PSA) in the military professional development education. Total 695 military officers were sampled and were ad-ministered a battery of questionnaires in April 2015 and 367 subjects of them fully responded to the survey questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed in the structural equation modeling and the results of the analyses were like these: first, the military cadets' ego-orientation had significantly positive effect on their intention for adherence to sport activities, and second, the military cadets' ego-orientation had significantly positive effect on their performance in the sport activities of soccer, fitness, and Taekwondo. The results of this study have many suggestions and implications for research and practice of physical education. First, it is interesting that the effect of ego-orientation is stronger than that of task-orientation because many previous researchers reported contrasting results. That is, most of the precedent studies reported that task-orientation demonstrated more significant effect on the IASA and the PSA than that of ego-orientation because the task-orientation leads athletes to focus more on the dexterity of their performance than an outcome of a match. The contrasting results could be understood that most of the military cadets are familiar with norm-referenced evaluation system to reach up to higher rank, so they care more about the relative position than their skillfulness. Jung(2014)’s study supported the interpretation as military cadets’ ego-orientation also had stronger effect on their achievement in academics, military training, and disciplinary evaluation than task-orientation. Second, the results of this study suggest that researchers should concentrate on the context of the evaluation when they conduct a study of comparison of effect between the task and ego-orientation because the magnitude of effect depends on the context of the evaluation rather than the kind of achievement orientation. For example, the task-orientation would have stronger effect than ego-orientation in the context of criterion-referenced evaluation because a student does not need to compete against his or her peers as the score depends on the dexterity of his or her performance. In the context of norm-referenced evaluation, on the contrary, ego-orientation would be acceptable to the learners because they have to defeat other students to have better score. Third, the results of this study indicate that the norm-reference evaluation system in the military academy has profitable effect on the military cadet’s academic accomplishment because the cadets tend to make more effort in the competitive situation than in the cooperative situation. This study, however, also suggests that instructors of the physical education need to use norm or criterion-referenced evaluation system to improve the military cadets’ performance as well as their participation in the sport activities. The precedent studies in the physical education research suggest that moderately competitive atmosphere in the sport activities would stimulate the learners’ concentration and performance, however, too competitive atmosphere would harm their performance.

Keyword:Military Cadets, Goal Orientation, Intention of Exercise Adherence, Performance, Korea Army
  • It is argued that the importance of artificial intelligence has a lot of social consensus, and that efforts to devise deeper artificial intelligence and to solve various problems are actively made. In Korea, there is a growing interest in using artificial intelligence across a wide range of societal spheres, and discussions about the future of artificial intelligence and robots in our society are becoming more active. The Korean government has also announced plans to strategically nurture artificial intelligence, which is the underlying technology of future new industries. Terrorism is one of the most serious problems facing the international community today. The possibility of terrorism, which exploits artificial intelligence and a combination of drone, is also realizing, and terrorists may attack drones and artificial intelligence robots to attack the most crowded places. This paper is intended to examine the possibility of future terrorism using artificial intelligence. To do this, we analyze the concept and development of artificial intelligence, the prospect of artificial intelligence technology development, the possibility of terrorism that exploited artificial intelligence, and the strategies to cope with it, and draw conclusions. Terrorist aspects and terrorist environments are gradually diversifying in response to changes in domestic and overseas security environments. In addition, the development of artificial intelligence technology and the possibility of exploitation of artificial intelligence, terrorism and crime related by AI are also required to be prepared. As a result, it is required to prevent abuse and exploitation of artificial intelligence as well as various countermeasures against terrorism and crime related to AI. In conclusion, artificial intelligence technology should be developed to improve the quality of human life and to prevent and overcome threats such as terrorism that threaten human life and freedom, preparing international, technological, legislative and security measures.
    Keyword:AI, Terrorism, Killer Robots, Drone, Unmanned Vehicle
  • In the half-century since the first launch of Sputnik 1 it has become impossible to consider economic, political, or scientific human life in the communication field without reference to outer space. As proved in the recent Iraq, Gulf, and Kosovo Wars, Space capability necessary actor of modern warfare. Space power is becoming a barometer of national power. Commercial and military activities were developed by the USA and former Soviet Union in the early days, but in the 21st Century many nation participate in space activities either directly or indirectly. While ongoing developments of outer space have contributed positively to the overall well-being of mankind, there have been mounting concerns that the last frontier may also turn into a political and economic battlefield. Numerous experts have foreseen a high possibility of a space arms race among dominating space powers such as the US and Russia and other emerging nations as they actively attempt to utilize space for military uses. Public opinion is growing with regard to increased measures through various international bodies, including the UN, in guaranteeing the peaceful use of outer space and preventing the space arms race. There is a growing public opinion that increased measures should be taken through the mediation of various international institutions, such as the UN, to guarantee the peaceful use of outer space and prevent the catastrophic outcome that may occur as a result of the space arms race. Such actions are indeed imperative as the non-weaponization of space will be a wasted effort otherwise. If we disregard this problem, people will be demised owing to the past tens years’ visualized 'Star Wars' scenario. As the importance of the commercial and military aspects of space is in-creasing, the vulnerability to cope with threats imposed on the utilization of space still exists and must be con-fronted. However, it is very difficult to secure international cooperation due to the narrow view on space arms control and national security, owing to the conflict of interests among nations in regard to their development of weapons and positions they hold in the international society. The outstanding example is that The United States which has been holding the position of the most advanced space power withdrew from OST in early 2000s, which would be very harmful to the efforts of arms control in space by international community. Nevertheless, a long-term and systematical approach is essential to utilize space for peaceful purposes and establish it as a common heritage of mankind(CHM).
    Keyword:Outer Space, Arms Race, Militarization, Peaceful Use, Purposes
  • In the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies(OST) Article 4 states that the moon and other bodies should be used solely for peaceful purposes. Since there is no definition of peaceful purposes in this treaty, opinions are opposed in the interpretation of Article 4. Apart from the conflicting views on these interpretations, countries have been using the outer space fore military and security purposes, and no country strongly opposes the practices of these countries. In particular, the Draft International Code of Conduct for Outer Space(ICOC) prepared by the EU has made explicit reference to the military use of outer space, and has also referred to the right to self-defense. Although the draft was not even addressed by the conflicting opinions of the different countries, it would have been an international document formulating the military and self-defense use of outer space if adopted. Based on this situation, this paper will focus on the international legal basis for the applicability of the right to self-defense in outer space.
    Keyword:Military, Self-Defense in Outer Space, Space Security, Draft International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities, International Law of Outer Space
  • This research attempted to reconstruct ‘Boram’, a realistic, vivid, and daily word deduced from the minds of the general public, as a psychological concept. To do this, the context in which the word ‘Boram’ is used in real life was studied, and analyzed for its meaning and type through a qualitative research method. Research data was deduced and organized from the context and contents of the word ‘Boram’ used by participants in unrestrained situations such as when watching TV wherein the researcher has no control over. As a result of the research, ‘Boram’ is defined as a feeling that comes after being satisfied on the result of contributing positive meaning to a work chosen by the doer, and going through a problem-solving process. In addition, the cognitive process of Boram is a ‘post optimistic thought.’ Since emotion that is generated from such cognitive process is rewarding or worthwhile, Boram is an emotion that is felt when realizing the hope of an individual. Furthermore, Boram is classified into 4 types based on its usage context and form of structure. The classifications are: ‘display-ing capability worthiness’, ‘overcoming adversity achievement worthiness’, ‘displaying capability achievement worthiness’, ‘overcoming adversity displaying capability achievement worthiness’. First, ‘displaying capability worthiness’ is felt by people who are proud of their abilities. Evaluation of one’s ability is not an objective evaluation but perceived evaluation, so it is a feeling felt when giving positive evaluation to oneself in the potential or ability one has. Second, ‘overcoming adversity-achievement worthiness’ is the feeling felt when one goes through a difficult process to earn a small but desired result and eventually, he or she gives a subjective and positive evaluation of the result. Third, ‘displaying capability-achievement worthiness’ is felt when fully using and displaying one’s positively perceived ability, and giving his or her subjective and positive evaluation on the result earned through this. Fourth, ‘overcoming adversity-displaying capability -achievement’ is felt by overcoming a difficult process, displaying one’s ability in overcoming hardships or in things one wants to, and giving subjective and positive evaluation on the result. Situations where ordinary people experience Boram were precisely analyzed to contrive the original form and the original forms were combined to reconstruct the psychological structure of Boram. This research searched and analyzed a new concept through qualitative method and strived to find its function. It has a weakness of not using scientific research methods at all. However, the significance lies on finding the possibility that ‘Boram’ can be an ingredient of scientific psychology, positive psychology, and cultural psychology through an attempt to conceptualize ‘Boram’.
    Keyword:Boram, Worthiness, Displaying Capability Worthiness, Overcoming Adversity-Achievement Worthiness, Displaying Capability Achievement Worthiness
  • Psychological Warfare against NORTH KOREA with an absolute advantage from NORTH KOREA was suspended as it was used as a role of political sacrifice for the greater advantage in war. Psychological war was a key tool that was used in order to induce a meeting between mid-ranking North and South Korean military officials, but in response psychological warfare organizations suffered in their existence and led to a decrease in use. Fortunately, after the issue of Cheonan Navy Ship, the North Korean Attack on Yeonpyeong Island, and the August 25 Agreement, the importance of the functions of psychological warfare were confirmed and developmentally reconstructed. Psychological warfare holds a great deal of importance; it can secure national interests as well as victory in war. Moreover, it enables the enemy to conform and contributes to playing a decisive role in victory, with minimal cost and effort. The elements that require institutional development include the establishment of a professional organization as well as the use of professional agents, and so forth. Strategically, the plans for development include the simultaneous harmonization of psychological warfare against NORTH KOREA, with a mission that contributes to the unification-oriented national project. Additionally such strategic plans include: the implementation of psychological warfare by educating the North Korean army and people of unification, the development of argument and persuasion skills in psychological warfare, the development of the method in which psychological warfare is utilized, the development to the strategy for unearned victory of the enlightenment of the North Korean, and the creation of a favorable environment for the performance of psychological warfare There are the issues that should be systematically developed. First, the establishment of professional organizations should be developed. Second, it is the use of specialists. Third, it is the integrated management of psychological warfare operations. Fourth, a system for analyzing the psychological effects should be activated. Fifth, we need to develop equipment that surpasses and overwhelms North Korea's psychological warfare capabilities. In addition, there are challenges to be developed with strategic purposes. First, psychological warfare should act in a way that responds to the current and future changes in the Korean peninsula. Second, the psychological warfare should be transferred into the field of unification education for North Korean and North Korean people. Third, it is the development of psychological warfare techniques. Fourth, it is the victory strategy. Fifth, it is the psychological warfare in proactively reach out to people. Sixth, it is the making of a conducive environment for psychological warfare. For example, it is necessary to create and utilize various psychological warfare environments such as cyber psychological warfare.
    Keyword:Psychological Warfare, Psychological Warfare against North Korea, Psychological Warfare against South Korea, Military Conference, Psychological Warfare Role and Function
  • The purpose of this study to identify the effect of achievement orientation on the military cadets' intention for adherence to sport activities(IASA) and performance in the sport activities(PSA) in the military professional development education. Total 695 military officers were sampled and were ad-ministered a battery of questionnaires in April 2015 and 367 subjects of them fully responded to the survey questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed in the structural equation modeling and the results of the analyses were like these: first, the military cadets' ego-orientation had significantly positive effect on their intention for adherence to sport activities, and second, the military cadets' ego-orientation had significantly positive effect on their performance in the sport activities of soccer, fitness, and Taekwondo. The results of this study have many suggestions and implications for research and practice of physical education. First, it is interesting that the effect of ego-orientation is stronger than that of task-orientation because many previous researchers reported contrasting results. That is, most of the precedent studies reported that task-orientation demonstrated more significant effect on the IASA and the PSA than that of ego-orientation because the task-orientation leads athletes to focus more on the dexterity of their performance than an outcome of a match. The contrasting results could be understood that most of the military cadets are familiar with norm-referenced evaluation system to reach up to higher rank, so they care more about the relative position than their skillfulness. Jung(2014)’s study supported the interpretation as military cadets’ ego-orientation also had stronger effect on their achievement in academics, military training, and disciplinary evaluation than task-orientation. Second, the results of this study suggest that researchers should concentrate on the context of the evaluation when they conduct a study of comparison of effect between the task and ego-orientation because the magnitude of effect depends on the context of the evaluation rather than the kind of achievement orientation. For example, the task-orientation would have stronger effect than ego-orientation in the context of criterion-referenced evaluation because a student does not need to compete against his or her peers as the score depends on the dexterity of his or her performance. In the context of norm-referenced evaluation, on the contrary, ego-orientation would be acceptable to the learners because they have to defeat other students to have better score. Third, the results of this study indicate that the norm-reference evaluation system in the military academy has profitable effect on the military cadet’s academic accomplishment because the cadets tend to make more effort in the competitive situation than in the cooperative situation. This study, however, also suggests that instructors of the physical education need to use norm or criterion-referenced evaluation system to improve the military cadets’ performance as well as their participation in the sport activities. The precedent studies in the physical education research suggest that moderately competitive atmosphere in the sport activities would stimulate the learners’ concentration and performance, however, too competitive atmosphere would harm their performance.
    Keyword:Military Cadets, Goal Orientation, Intention of Exercise Adherence, Performance, Korea Army
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the person and class level factors and class level factors significantly affect the students’ academic achievement in the military professional development education. Total 695 military officers were sampled and were administered a battery of questionnaires in April 2015. The sampled officers were in the officer advanced course of 9 army branch schools and they belonged to 33 classes. The data were analyzed in hierarchical linear modeling because the data structure was multilevel with personal and classroom level. The dependent variable was the officers’ grade level and a multinomial logit model was applied. The grade level was classified into three kinds (A, B, and C) and the student officers received Grade B served as reference group. The results suggested that the college graduation status was not significant because most of the military officers had bachelor degree so there was not much variance in the grade classification caused by the college graduation status. Second, learning motivation is the psychological energy that a learner starts and ends their studying behavior. In many studies, learning motivation was proven to be a strong indicator of a learn-er's academic achievement. Learning motivation was significant to separate Grade B from C, however, it was not significant to separate Grade A from B. There was big difference in the variance in the learn-ing motivation between learners of Grade B from Grade C, however, there was no significant difference in the variance in the learning motivation between learners of Grade A and B. Meanwhile, learning strategy turned out to be significant both to separate Grade B from C, and Grade A from B. Many learners who make effort to store, retrieve, and apply to their learning assignment gain better grade than learners who do not know the way to apply the strategy. The results also indicate that the instructors must teach their student not only the class contents but also the learning strategy to improve their learning accomplishment. Study time is also significant to classify the Grade A from B, B from C in the personal and class-level and the result indicates that learning strategy itself is necessary but not enough to improve a learner's grade level. Logical teaching style positively separate the Grade B from C, A from B and the result means that logical instructors clearly point out a learner's strength and weakness. The honest feedback and direct guideline are effective to improve the military officers' accomplishment. The military schools must apply the results when they train their instructors. Learning motivation is the psychological energy that a learner starts and ends their studying behavior. In many studies, learning motivation was proven to be a strong indicator of a learner's academic achievement. Learning motivation was significant to separate Grade B from C, however, it was not significant to separate Grade A from B because there was big difference in the variance in the learning motivation between learners of Grade B from Grade C, however, there was no significant difference in the variance in the learning motivation between learners of Grade A from B. Meanwhile, learning strategy turned out to be significant both to separate Grade B from C and Grade A from B. Many learners who make effort to store, retrieve, and apply to their learning assignment gain better grade than learners who do not know the way to apply the strategy. The results also indicate that the instructors must teach their student not only the class contents but also the learning strategy to improve their learning accomplishment. Study time is significant to classify the Grade A from B, B from C in the personal and class-level and the result indicates that learning strategy itself is necessary but not enough to improve a learner's grade level.
    Keyword:Army Officer, Professional Development Education, Achievement, Multilevel Analysis, Learning Strategy
  • Protection security organizations in the Republic of Korea were conceived in 1949 to provide protection security services to the first President, Rhee Syngman. It was in 1963 that the Presidential Security Service was created at the inauguration of the Park Chunghee administration, thereby launching hybrid security in conjunction with the National Police Agency. Ever since, the Presidential Security Service and the National Police Agency have taken numerous actions against threats of assassination from North Korea’s special forces and terrorism in the aftermath of the Korean War, and have taken counter-terrorist actions by North Korean Special Forces during the Korean War. Prominent examples include a surprise infiltration incident of 1968, the attempted assassination of President Park Chunghee in Seoul in 1974, and the attempted assassination of President Chun Doohwan in Myanmar in 1983. Presently, the hybrid security service has garnered commendations from abroad for successfully aiding large-scaled events such as Asia-Europe Meeting, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, G20 Summit, and Nuclear Security Summit to consummate. Unfortunately, however, there is not a great number of studies conducted on the hybrid security service. This study has undertaken a comparative analysis of the Presidential Security Service’s and the National Police Agency’s training and legal grounds from the theoretical perspective. Discussions were also made on the efficient directions for these two organizations. Consequently, the study discovered the organizations’ common goals, such as enhancing personal protection, maintenance of authority, maintenance of order, and citizen friendliness. Therefore, this study sought after ways to create an integrated form of the protection security organization, a break away from the two separate entities we currently have in Korea.
    Keyword:Presidential Security Service, National Police Agency, Assassination, Terrorism, Integrated Security Service
  • This study examined the effects of a military academy’s writing education program on the cadets’ development of short- and long-term writing performance with topics of military document. It intends to prove whether intensive writing course participants demonstrate higher grades at the end of a semester compared to non-participants. As academic writing is one of the most important objectives of college education, many universities and colleges offer short- and long-term writing courses for their students. Some of the courses are required, not optional, then the students need to participate in the intensive or developmental course to fulfill the writing assignments. Military officers have to write a daily report, drill & training plan, personnel management report, and many other military documents in their daily routine. They, for their duties, need more than intermediate level of writing proficiency for their long-term career development. Most of the military academies, therefore, offer writing courses in their regular curriculum to satisfy the cadets' educational need. Korea Army Academy at Yeong-choen(KAAY) educates and trains cadets as commissioned officers for Republic Korea Army (ROKA) who are fully equipped with competencies as commanding officers and staffs. Military cadets of KAAY, however, are not provided with writing courses in their regular curriculum although they need more than intermediate-level writing proficiency. For the purpose of this study, 23 participants of the writing program were employed as treatment group and another 23 non-participants were employed as control group. Two research questions guided the study: First, do the military cadets who participate in a military academy’s intensive writing course differ from non-participants in regard to writing test score? Second, is there a difference between cumulative grade point average for participants of the intensive writing course and non-participants? The independent variable of the study was defined as participation in the extra-curricular writing course. Participants were those cadets who fully completed the writing course for two months. Non-participants were those cadets who tested into the pretest writing assignment of military resume of less than 3 pages while participants and the non-participants were assigned posttest of writing a document of inauguration remark as a platoon leader. The first dependent variable was the grade of the diagnostic test on both treatment and control groups and the second dependent variable was the grade of the posttest. A t test was conducted to compare the mean pretest writing scores of both treatment and control groups. No significant difference was found be-tween treatment group(M = 61.31, SD = 10.53) and control group(M =62.07, SD = 9.86), t(df=62) = -1.03, p = .46. The results of the t test proved the equivalence of the both groups in the regard of writing proficiency. A covariance test of posttest score of writing was conducted to investigate whether a significant difference existed between the mean writing grades of posttest showed a significant difference. The treatment group(M = 73.85, SD = 12.08) demonstrated a higher mean writing grade on posttest(inauguration remark) than the control group(M = 65.29, SD = 11.04), F(1, 54) = 2.23, p = .03 with the covariate of pretest score.
    Keyword:Military Cadets, Writing Education Program, Writing Proficiency, Analysis of Variance, Program Evaluation
  • This study analyzes the individual psychology of Kim Jong-un, who exercises absolute power over nuclear development in North Korea, in order to understand the issue of North Korea’s nuclear capabilities from a psychological point of view and to provide implications for solving the problem. ‘Personality’ is a concept used to explain a person’s behaviors. Allport theorized that personalities develop during the process of adapting to environments, and personalities structured in this way demonstrate coherent patterns of feelings, thoughts and behaviors. Therefore, identifying a person’s personality is important in that what he thinks, how he feels, and how he behaves can be predicted. Until now, there has been very little micro-approach, such as to the personalities of individuals, in the subject of North Korea. However, it is also meaningful to understand the psychological characteristics of this individual autocrat due to the nature of the North Korean regime, in which Kim’s family members monopolize power following the lead of Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, and Kim Jong-un. In particular, the issues of North Korea’s nuclear development and launching projectiles are highly dependent on the will and determination of Kim Jong-un. Therefore, Kim Jong-un’s personality is likely to have a direct impact on the North Korean nuclear issue. Based on various testimonies and data, there is no doubt that Kim Jong-un’s personality is self-centered, ostentatious, and impulsive. However, as Kurt Campbell, the former US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia has stated, it is difficult to say that his personality is “un-predictable” or “violent”. As a son of an autocrat, he was raised exercising absolute power. The environment where his desire can come true without deficiency might have led him to become self-centered and ostensible. These personality traits can affect his decisions regarding the nuclear issue. According to Fujimoto Kenji’s testimony, Kim Jong-un said that he shoots missiles “impulsively” if he felt ignored or if his relationship with the United States could not be resolved. When considering his self-centered and ostensible characteristics, it is possible to predict the time and condition where he can be impulsive. The predictability of Kim’s behaviors lies in the type of character he possesses. Kim Jong-un is thought to be someone with a self-centered, impulsive and ostentatious personality, and can be classified as having a narcissistic personality disorder. A person with narcissistic personality establishes relation-ships with others only to reveal his superiority, and experiences a sense of humiliation and frustration in situations where he cannot do so. However, in cases where the superiority is frustrated, narcissistic personality has a tendency to maintain his sense of superiority through self-rationalization rather than changing external conditions. Such nature of North Korea’s society and Kim Jong-un’s personality pro-vides the following implications regarding the North Korean nuclear issue. First, it seems that there is virtually no reason for Kim Jong-un to give up the country’s nuclear capabilities due to the practical and psychological benefits(superiority) they hold for North Korea and Kim Jong-un himself. Second, however, it is unlikely that North Korea will use its nuclear capabilities to launch a preemptive attack or war considering Kim’s narcissistic personality. Third, the messages implied in North Korea’s behaviors in relation to their nuclear capabilities still need to be considered carefully.
    Keyword:North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, Narcissistic, Personality, Nuclear Crisis